Monday, 1 December 2014

X5 to Bristol Parkway / 88 extends to Yatton

There are some changes to the 88 and X5 from 11th January. Details from North Somerset Council here.

The main changes for Portishead are that First X5 will run via the M5 beyond Clevedon, making it quicker to get to Weston-super-Mare. Some journeys are also extended beyond Cribbs Causeway to Bristol Parkway railway station.

Carmel 88 is being extended beyond Clevedon to Yatton to replace the diverted X5.

I'll post the new timetables here as soon as they have been published.

1 comment:

  1. Yes the first carmel 88 bus out of yatton (that is if it is safe to travel on) is 10.00 am what good is that for hospiatal appointment or dentist in clevedon,
